Traditional PR
Digital PR Skills

Our 5-step Digital PR process

Technology and Digital has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities to better reach and communicate with our audiences.

Yet the PR industry has been relatively slow at adapting to that change and the opportunities it presents to us.

As Communications professionals, we now need to adapt and do things differently – which is where Digital PR comes in. 

But it involves learning new skills and doing things differently.

Traditional PR predominently has involved leveraging media and a part of social to communicate.

But Digital PR allows us to go wider with our work from now only the way we understand what our audiences want and create strategy around that but right through to executing and measuring our success.

How Digital PR changes how we work

Digital PR helps you create quality campaigns that capture your audiences in both ‘Browse’ and ‘Search’ mode.

That’s how we can now build trust and online authority for our brands in the digital world.

It involves researching, planning and creating high quality campaigns that leverage content across all channels and is also built to rank on P1 of Search Engines. 

It also requires you to pitch to media differently and create online engagement in a way that builds online authority for your brand. 

Reaching audiences in ‘Search’ mode means you can create the perfect intersection between providing something you know your audience actually wants and delivering high quality content exactly when they are searching for it.

Gearing your communications strategies for ‘Search’ as well as ‘Browse’ mode involves using data, new digital tools and also PR-SEO to ensure it can compete and rank for the top spots online.

This is only possible with Digital PR.

When you do it correctly, it benefits your brand’s entire online authority and reputation as it creates a Digital PR omnipresence across your channels and real measurable results for your brand.


Here’s our FIVE top differences between Traditional PR skills and Digital PR skills:

Traditional vs Digital PR

Keen to step up your Digital PR game?